Rob LeGrand
Associate Professor
office phone:  325-486-5422
office location:  MCS 205I (see map)
summer office hours by appointment

My current research is in the related areas of computational social choice, algorithmic game theory and artificial intelligence (particularly multi-agent systems and machine learning).  My Ph.D. dissertation was one of the earliest in computational social choiceHere's a lovely video introducing computational social choice; my research is mostly concerned with strategyproofness.  I also sometimes explore the areas of languages, compilers, game development, computer science education and theory of computation.  I serve as a research partner with MedHab, a manufacturer of electronic medical devices.  My ORCID iD is  Selected publications (some listed on my ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, ACM author and dblp profiles):

Full curriculum vitae

Formal education
Continuing education